all postcodes in PO38 / VENTNOR

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO38 2AA 0 50.594363 -1.245822
PO38 2AB 3 50.59156 -1.256495
PO38 2AD 0 50.60242 -1.258797
PO38 2AE 0 50.601897 -1.258164
PO38 2AF 0 50.601843 -1.25671
PO38 2AG 1 50.60977 -1.268767
PO38 2AP 0 50.619062 -1.307854
PO38 2AQ 0 50.608208 -1.259323
PO38 2AR 0 50.617897 -1.302387
PO38 2AT 3 50.588143 -1.284924
PO38 2AU 0 50.588207 -1.283694
PO38 2AX 0 50.587806 -1.282768
PO38 2AY 0 50.587691 -1.283395
PO38 2AZ 3 50.587249 -1.284316
PO38 2BA 0 50.586546 -1.285584
PO38 2BB 0 50.585835 -1.285467
PO38 2BD 0 50.585603 -1.285669
PO38 2BE 0 50.583942 -1.286588
PO38 2BG 0 50.584118 -1.285851
PO38 2BH 0 50.583081 -1.288066